tv whore, movies, tv: fringe, tv: ai, tv: spn, tv: lost, the suck: work

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  • ergh

    heather13 May 05, 2009 19:23

    Things are better. Thank you for your well wishes. Much appreciated! It's been rough but what can you do? I can't quit and so until it's better out there and I can move on, I will grin and bear it to the best of my abilities - which IS actually my best ability because I've been doing it for YEARS ( Read more... )

    tv: ai, eek!, the suck: work

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  • head explode

    heather13 Feb 09, 2009 19:25

    Who is this Adele and why does she remind me of Fiona a bit? Is she any good ( Read more... )

    music, goodies: cooking, tv whore, movies, tmi: wedding, the suck: work

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  • bllllaaaaaahhhhhh

    heather13 Aug 11, 2008 13:00

    Mondays are lame.

    To not bore everyone with wedding details and non-my wedding details but things that strike my wedding fancy, I will not post any of that on here. Instead, I will post it here, in case you might be interested in all the hoopla (like how FMiL went and booked the room without D. seeing it! Yeah, that's about as much fun as you ( Read more... )

    tmi: health, books: twilight, tmi: wedding, the suck: work

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  • special favors come in 31 flavors

    heather13 Jul 02, 2008 11:25

    So my birthday was Monday. Good day! I like these in my 30's birthdays...they got SO much better than my 20's birthdays. Those always sucked the life out of me. So we had family dinner on Sunday and my grandparents are adorable, D. and I went to dinner last night but he wants to go to Atlantic Fish Co. sometime soon. BFF gave me a lovely ring ( Read more... )

    hello salty goodness, birthdays, tmi: life, tmi: the ex, tlace, the suck: work

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  • i don't want your foot money

    heather13 May 23, 2008 09:19

    I'm having crazy problems with my ears. They're telling me it's allergies and that's fine but good god, when will it end??? It just hurts and it is itchy and annoying.

    I have been capping/rewatching season 2 of TO. Yeah. There is no bad here. And, um, I liked the finale. If I had a rock, I'd totally put a suck on this note on it.

    The Office )

    tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: moonlight, tv whore, goodies: music, tv: himym, tv: the office, the suck: work

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  • don't look at her. don't talk to her. don't mess with her.

    heather13 May 12, 2008 14:45

    I believe work is trying to kill me slowly. I have every intention of posting and really the only time I'm able to do this is at work (shh!) and as stated previously, work is trying to kill me OR wanting me to jump into the brook and do myself in ( Read more... )

    tv: moonlight, tv whore, icons, tmi: life, tv: the office, tv: lost, the suck: work

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  • beyond bored

    heather13 Sep 13, 2007 11:16

    Okay, so I'm in Indianapolis at a 4 day conference/seminar thingy. The amount of fun I'm having is off the charts. I have been spamming tlace all week in effort to curb my boredom. There have been a few sessions that have been interesting/beneficial to me and my job but, really, I just want to go home. I miss D! I miss my cat! I sort of miss my ( Read more... )

    the suck: work

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  • there's no secret handshake

    heather13 Apr 11, 2007 13:36

    I have been at work since 7. My eyes are going to fall out of my head.

    I'm going to get a new phone tonight! Yay! I can finally have a conversation for longer than 2 minutes before it beeps and dies. They better have the one I want or I will throttle someone.

    My Jeep is leaking something. Not good.

    I want to go home. I have tlace's V/L EPIC FIC ( Read more... )

    zombies!yay!, tmi: life, etc: meme, the suck: work

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  • my eyes keep twitching and it makes me want to scream

    heather13 Apr 10, 2007 13:23

    Answers from yesterday's IMDB meme ( Read more... )

    movies, zombies!yay!, tmi: life, the suck: work

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